Applying for a Transfer
As a tenant of Thenue Housing you can apply to us for a transfer to another property - either in the same area or to another of our areas. Applications should be made to us using our website, under the “Looking for a home” section. It must include details of all permanent members of your household and in the case of a joint tenancy, the application form must be initialled by both tenants.
How do I qualify for a transfer?
As a tenant, your tenancy must have been conducted in a satisfactory manner and we do take into account, for example, any substantiated incidents of anti-social behaviour against you, any members of your household or your visitors. In addition, you must have no debt owed to us or if you do, you must have a satisfactory repayment arrangement plan in place with us.
Your Area Services Officer will explain more about this to you in more detail when you receive a visit at home prior to being considered for an offer of rehousing. During the visit, your Area Services Officer will also check the condition of your home to make sure any outstanding repairs or redecoration for which you are responsible, have been completed before any offer of rehousing can take place.

How will my application be assessed?
Your circumstances will be provisionally assessed using the criteria set out in our Allocation Policy. We look at areas such as overcrowding, under- occupation or medical factors which may be affecting your household and your application will be placed in one of our Priority Groups: Urgent; High; Medium Standard. Full details of how we carry out our assessments can be found in our Allocation Policy which is available from the download section of our website.
Following our home visit and prior to an offer of rehousing, your provisional assessment will be finalised.
How long will it take for my application to be assessed?
Following receipt of your completed form, we will email you within 15 days to provide you with a breakdown of your provisional assessment. The information provided will include your Prioirty Needs Group, the size of property for which you qualify, the type of property you have chosen and your chosen areas. We will also include information about recent lets in our areas.
How long will I have to move out of my home?
When an offer of rehousing is made to you, you will be given 3 days to accept the offer and to move into your new home.
Payment of rent
If you get help with paying your rent, our Financial Inclusion staff will help you to complete your new claim for Universal Credit (or in some circumstances, Housing Benefit). If you do not get help with paying your rent, you will be required to pay us one month’s rent in advance before you receive the keys to your new home. We will also ask you to set up a Direct Debit for your future monthly payments of rent. Our Financial Inclusion staff can also do a Benefit check with you to ensure you are receiving all the Benefits to which you are entitled.