Neighbourhood Advice
We try to assist residents with a range of issues, and, where necessary, work closely with partners on a wide range of related issues. Please click here for contact details if you wish to discuss any aspect of our services with a member of the Area Services team.

Estate Management
We recognise that good quality housing needs to be coupled with a decent quality neighbourhood, to make our areas desirable and sustainable in the long term. Our residents have the right to have quiet enjoyment of their homes and a decent, safe and secure environment to live in.
Estate management covers a wide range of activities which focus both upon the people living in an area and on the physical environment of the area itself, for example:
- Enforcing tenancy and title conditions
- Management of communal areas
- Maintenance of the physical environment
- Providing services which help to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
Good estate management would mean:
- Little or no graffiti
- Little or no fly-tipping or abandoned cars
- Tidy gardens and backcourts
- Clean communal areas (e.g. bin areas, closes)
- No vandalism
- Well maintained open spaces
- Few empty properties (other than those where lettings are suspended)
- Regular estate inspections with actions required followed through by staff
We recognise that a decent quality neighbourhood is not dependent solely on the quality of our estate management services, however, but relies on a broad range of organisations and interests to work together including:
- Thenue, as the local landlord and factor
- The local community and
- Other service providers (such as Council Departments, Glasgow Community Safety Services and the Police)
Assisted Garden Maintenance
Some of our tenants are unable to maintain their garden for medical/mobility reasons. In the first instance, tenants are referred to the Glasgow City Council scheme for assistance. Where there is no place on the GCC scheme available, the tenant’s garden may be maintained by Thenue subject to assessment guidelines, priority and available funding through our annual landscape maintenance budget. No service charge will apply. The application form for our Garden Maintenance Scheme details our assessment guidelines.
Where no place is available on either the GCC or Thenue scheme and the tenant does not want to pay in advance for maintenance, they will remain responsible for maintaining their garden. In such circumstances, friends and relatives may have to assist until a place on a garden maintenance scheme is forthcoming

Anti-Social Behaviour
We believe that all tenants have a right to live peacefully in their homes and, as such, take very seriously the issue of anti-social behaviour which adversely affects that right. If you would like more information on, or are affected by, anti-social behaviour, please click here. You may also contact your local community policing team.