Yvonne McShea - A Tribute

Last updated: 10.30am, Monday 29th April 2013 by

It is with great sadness and a deep sense of regret that Thenue Housing announces the death of its former Chair Yvonne McShea.

Yvonne died in Glasgow's Victoria Infirmary on 17th April 2013 after losing her struggle with illness which she had borne with great courage and determination. Paying tribute to Yvonne, the Association said it had lost a champion of the housing association movement and said her “selfless” contribution to its work was impossible to calculate.

George Alexander, Yvonne’s successor as Chair said: “Yvonne displayed all the attributes that have come to define those who selflessly give to the housing association movement. Hard work, dedication and a desire to deliver the very best housing possible were the things Yvonne cared about deeply. She also understood all too clearly that our role was not simply to collect the rent but to support our tenants and contribute to the regeneration of the communities we serve. Nothing gave Yvonne greater satisfaction than to see the transformational effect new housing and vibrant communities made to people’s lives.”

Yvonne served for 14 years with us from 1998 and stepped down last year after five years as our Chair. During Yvonne’s time as Chair we underwent significant change, reorganisation and modernisation. Earlier this month, we presented Yvonne with a Waterford Crystal bowl to mark her long service as a token of our gratitude. Such was Yvonne’s commitment to housing, she became the first member of any housing association committee in Scotland to attain the “Governance of Scottish Housing Associations” qualification.

Charlie Turner, Chief Executive of Thenue Housing said: “We send our heartfelt condolences to Yvonne’s family at this sad and difficult time. Thenue Housing owes a significant debt of gratitude to Yvonne who contributed greatly to our Association over 14 years. We will miss Yvonne immensely but are very thankful for her dedication and hard work - particularly in her five years as Chair. Yvonne leaves behind an organisation deeply engaged in the regeneration of communities and which continues to build homes for people who need them. These were Yvonne’s priorities and a fitting tribute to her life and work.”

Yvonne who lived in Castlemilk is survived by her husband Charlie, two children - Charlene and Darren - and two grand children and also by her father Malcome who lives in Thurso.

Yvonne's funeral was held on Wednesday 24th April 2013 at Linn Crematorium, Lainshaw Drive.

Anyone wishing to make a donation can do so to either Friends of the Beatson (www.justgiving.com/beatson) or The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice (www.ppwh.org.uk/donate/default.html)