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Winter Newsletter including Rent Review Consultation

Our winter newsletter is now ready for you to read. Just click on the download file button below. In this issue, you can read about our 3000th home, our recent AGM and have your say with our rent review consultation. Read more

Universal Credit Changes for Working Households

Universal credit work allowance will be increasing.

By 1st of December 2021 at the latest, the work allowance under Universal Credit will increase. This change will mean that working families with children or a disability, will benefit by an increase of £45 per month, amounting to £500.00 per year.

What this revision of the work allowance means is that where the amount was set at £293.00 per month it will increase to £335.00 per month, where you have housing costs (rent). Where you do not have housing costs (rent) the amount set was £515 per month, it will increase to £557 per month.

This change only affects those UC working households that have children or a disability.

In addition to this change, also to take place no later than 1st of December 2021, the Universal Credit taper rate will reduce. The rate will drop from 63% to 58%.This means that instead of 63p in every pound of any income over the work allowance, it will be 58p in every pound instead.


Glasgow Bin Strike

A strike by refuse staff and street cleaners in Glasgow has begun as world leaders arrive for the COP26 climate summit.

The union GMB Scotland said its members in the city council's cleansing department would be striking for the period up to and including 8 November 2021.
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Chief Executive Charles Turner To Retire

Our Chief Executive Charles Turner has announced plans to retire. Charles – well known throughout the housing association movement - has been our Group’s Chief Executive for the last 17 years and will leave the organisation in the spring of next year. We will now begin the search for his successor who will be just the third CEO in the Association’s 43-year history.

Commenting on his departure, Charles said: “I feel very fortunate and proud to have enjoyed a highly-rewarding career in housing, spanning four decades, - most of that time working with some fantastic people in the community-controlled housing association movement.

“I’ve worked with, and still work with, some great individuals and when the time comes, I know it will be a wrench to walk away.

“Certainly, the last 20 months or so have been difficult for everyone but having helped Thenue weather the storm of the pandemic, achieve Investors in People platinum status and developed our 3,000th house, it...

Office Appointments and COP26

Great news! From 15th November 2021 you no longer have to make an appointment to visit us. Our doors at 423 London Road will continue to be open from Monday to Thursday 10am to 4pm. All our staff are constantly available for you, all five days of the week, via phone, e-mail, WhatsApp, face-time, zoom etc. From 15th November you will also be able to drop into our Cranhill Service Centre without an appointment (opening times are below).

With the complexities of Cop26, and especially our close proximity to Glasgow Green, we have decided it safer and more sensible to close our office to the public for eight days during the period 1st to 12th November. This will also apply to our Cranhill Service Centre.

Remember, using our App, gives you access to us 24/7. Read more

The latest edition of Cashpoint

Click on the link below to read Cashpoint, our money matters newsletter. In this edition you can find out more about our Energy Advice project, the Scottish Government Low Income Pandemic Payment and how to deal with debt. Read more

Cranhill Service Centre

I am delighted to announce that we are now in a position to invite you back to our service centre based in the Scottish Veterans Centre at Bellrock Close. Our Financial Inclusion and Area Services staff will be available on the days and times listed below. Please note that our Financial Inclusion Service will be available in the centre from 11th October and our Area Services Staff will be available from 18th October. For now, we will be operating on an appointment only basis and to make it easy for you we have introduced a simple online booking system.

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More Platinum Success for Thenue!

We have scored another success after being shortlisted for a top UK award. Just four months after capturing the rarely-awarded Platinum Investors in People status, the Association has been shortlisted for Employer of the Year.

The news came as a welcome surprise and we will face eight other Platinum-awarded challengers for the title. We were previously awarded Gold status but made the leap to Platinum in the summer – an accreditation held by just three percent of IIP-accredited organisations.

Three Employers of the Year will be awarded – depending on the size of the workforce, we are competing in the category for 50 to 249 employees. Our Chief Executive, Charles Turner said: “This is brilliant news - coming so soon after the Association was awarded Platinum Status in May.

“To make the shortlist for the Investors in People Awards 2021 is the icing on the cake and demonstrates recognition for the incredible job our staff and board of management have done over the many...

Read our 2020/21 Charter Report

Each year we are required to complete an Annual Return on the Charter (ARC for Short) and submit this to the Scottish Housing Regulator. As a result of that it becomes our obligation to produce this report to enable tenants and others to see how we are performing against the Charter.

This report summarises all of the statistics that the Scottish Housing Regulator publishes, we are able to compare our own performance with the Scottish average and our performance last year.

You can read the report by clicking on the download button below. We hope that this information is useful for you to benchmark our performance over time.


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Pledge to Protect Tenants in Face of “Perfect Storm”

THENUE will do ”everything we can” to protect our tenants from what was described at Tuesday’s AGM as a “perfect storm”.

As the world emerges slowly from the pandemic, news emerged this week of crippling energy hikes coupled with the scrapping of the Universal Credit £20 uplift, the end of furlough and increased tax through National Insurance.

Addressing Members at the Emirates Arena our Chief Executive Charles Turner gave a frank assessment of the challenges tenants face.

But he promised recovery would be the focus as the organisation plotted its way forward.

Charles said: “Last year I said the single most important word going forward as ‘recovery’. Recovery is about progression not perfection. Recovery is about restoring the overall performance here at Thenue to something which resembled our performance before the pandemic hit.

“It is something we must work on every single day and it is something that doesn’t get a day off. Recovery for the... Read more

Cranhill Service Centre - Delay to Opening

Last week we announced that we would be re-introducing our local services from the Scottish Veterans Centre at Bellrock Close from Monday 13th September. A further delay to opening to the public means that we will have to put this on hold, however, it is hoped that this will only be for a few weeks. Our Financial Inclusion and Area Services staff will be available on the days and times listed below when the doors are open. We will be operating on an appointment only basis and to make it easy for you we have introduced a simple online booking system. To request an appointment you should complete a form using this link - We will provide you with an update as to when this will be available.

You should select the team you wish to see - you can also request an individual officer should you so wish. Add the reason for your appointment request in the... Read more

Low Income Pandemic Payment

The Scottish Government announced that a one-off £130 Low Income Pandemic Payment (LIPP) would be made by 31 October 2021 to eligible households. The payment will be made if you were in receipt of Council Tax Reduction/Second Adult Rebate, or did not pay Council Tax for one of the following reasons during the month of April 2021:
• You were living in temporary accommodation, including a refuge.

• Your home was unoccupied because you were being cared for or were caring for someone else.

• All members of the household were care leavers, under 18 or severely mentally impaired.
We have identified those eligible for this payment and they will be contacted in due course, there is no need to take any action.
If you have received a letter and wish to register your details, please follow the link:

For more information on the payment visit the Scottish Government website:

Allpay - Change to Contact Telephone Number

The telephone number for tenants to phone Allpay has now changed.

The new number is 0330 041 6497

Request an Office Appointment

Now we are able to see you in person and the doors to our London office have re-opened, tenants and customers are able to request an office appointment.

We have protocols in place to ensure we have a safe environment for both staff and anyone visiting for their appointment. Eventually we hope to move away from the appointment system and allow visitors to drop in as they would have done pre covid, however, this isn’t possible at present.

Appointments, are running Monday – Thursday and will be between 10am and 4pm. The office will remain closed to the public on a Friday.

To request an appointment, please complete the form using the link below. You need to use the drop downs to select the team you wish to see, and you can also request an individual officer should you so wish. Add the reason for your appointment request in the test box and submit your form.

The team will then contact you on the contact details you have provided in the form and firm up your appointment...

New Head of Finance Appointed - A welcome to Lesley-Anne Junner to our Executive Team

A key senior appointment has been announced here at Thenue Housing.

Lesley-Anne Junner has been appointed as our Group Head of Finance (Corporate & IT Services).

Lesley Anne will take up her new role in mid-September and follows the retirement of long-serving finance chief John Russell

She will be responsible for overall treasury management, the development of strategy, policy, and performance in respect of finance, corporate and IT services and ensuring the overall financial wellbeing of Thenue and its subsidiaries.

Lesley-Anne said, “I am delighted to be joining Thenue at a dynamic time for the Group. It’s an exciting opportunity to work with the Board of Management, the Executive Team and all my new Thenue colleagues along with support in the continued provision of excellent homes and services to our local communities”.

Charles Turner, our Chief Executive added: “We are delighted to welcome Lesley-Anne to Thenue, who will strengthen our Executive Team and... Read more

We're Back! Office Re-opened Today 23rd August

We are pleased to tell you our office has re-opened today (Monday 23rd August). But remember if you want to come and see us you MUST book an appointment. This is to ensure we strictly adhere to procedures to ensure you and our staff remain safe.

There will be no office appointment slots available on Fridays. Currently there is no availability on the following dates: on August 23, 24 30 or 31.

Our phone lines are of course working and you can contact us through our App, in person, or by using the contact form on our website
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Survey - Help Us Plan For The Future As We Re-open Our Doors

As you will have read in our summer newsletter, we are pleased to announce that our office at 423 London Road will re-open on 23rd August 2021. To help us plan for the future as we re-open the doors, we would like to hear your views, please click on the link below to access a short survey

Summer Newsletter

Our summer newsletter is now ready for you to read. Just click on the download file button below. In this issue you can read about our office at 423 London Road, the sunrise mural at Elcho Gardens, our new Board members and much more! Please complete the survey by clicking on the link to let us know your views and help us plan for the future as we re-open our doors
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Important Update For Our Customers - Tuesday Afternoon 3rd August

Following the announcement by the Scottish Government today of a further lifting of restrictions, this important update sets out what will happen next.

We are pleased to tell you that we will be re-opening our office at London Road during the morning of Monday 23rd August having implemented a series of measures designed to keep you and our staff safe at all times.
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Bumper Payday Close to £1.5M For Our Tenants

We can announce the huge extent of our efforts to help tenants claim money to which they are entitled. A remarkable £1.49 million has been obtained by our brilliant “Financial Inclusion Team” between April 2020 and March 2121. Despite all the challenges of working from home, the team still managed to offer a helping hand to you to obtain much-needed cash. The role played by the Financial Inclusion Team has been thrown sharply into focus as a result of the health emergency.

This week our Chief Executive Charles Turner praised the efforts of staff saying they had gone the “extra mile” to offer a much-needed helping hand. Charles said: “This remarkable figure – which is an increase on last year – reflects the sheer effort of our staff to help people at a time of unprecedented need. It almost exactly covers the first turbulent 12 months of the pandemic. We are immensely grateful for their skill, enthusiasm and hard work in delivering this massive boost for our customers...

An Update On Our Office Return As Restrictions Ease

THE one remaining service which has not yet resumed is the opportunity to visit us in person at our office, and we hope to be able to offer this from 9th August onwards.

This is not yet certain due to the unpredictable nature of virus suppression and is also dependant on the continuing success of the vaccine programme. A return to our office will happen when the Scottish Government moves the City of Glasgow down from Level 2 to Level 0

Watch this space for any updates nearer the time, but meantime, everything else that we do, we continue to do and we’re just either a phone call, an e-mail or a tap on our app away! When we come back you can be assured that your safety – and that of our staff – will be paramount.

We have modified our office in time for this return so that you not only ARE safe but FEEL safe. Screens will be in place when we interact with you and hand sanitisation will be available.

More of this detail will be revealed when we know for sure that we will...

The Future Of The East End Is In Your Hands

Thenue tenants living in the east end are being invited to have your say on the future. And you have until September 3rd to air your views!

Glasgow City Council has published a new document – known as a Strategic Development Framework (SDF) - which sets out a 10 year plan to transform the east end. It aims to make the east of Glasgow a more attractive place to live and tackle deprivation and health inequality. Calton, Dalmarnock and Bridgeton are three areas where we have our homes and come under the scope of the consultation which runs until September 3.

Our Chief Executive Charles Turner said: “We warmly welcome this proposal from Glasgow City Council and are encouraging our tenants to take part and air their views.

“The local authority deserves great credit for devising such an initiative which will turbo-charge the efforts of so many organisations committed to helping the east end.

“As a housing association we have grown deep roots in our communities since our...

Owners Survey 2021

Thenue Housing Association is committed to providing a quality service to those owners to whom we provide a factoring service. To help us improve our service we regularly consult with our factoring customers and involve them in the decisions which affect their homes.

As part of this, we have appointed IBP Strategy and Research to conduct an Owners Survey on our behalf. In previous years, this survey has been conducted through a combination of face-to-face interviewing and a postal survey of non-resident owners. This year, due to the continued restrictions brought about by Covid, the survey is being conducted by telephone. A researcher from IBP may make contact with you over the next 2-3 weeks to ask you to give your views in a short interview lasting approximately 15 minutes. This call will come from IBP’s number (01698 532021) and the researcher will be happy to provide you with contact details at the Association should you wish to check their credentials.

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Platinum Success for Thenue!

Delight as we are awarded “platinum status” in rarely-awarded Investors in People accreditation . Thenue has captured a coveted award in the form of “Platinum” accreditation from the organisation Investors in People.

IiP seeks to improve performance and fulfil objectives through the management and development of an organisation’s people - which in Thenue’s case benefits tenants and our communities. The rarely-awarded recognition is the highest standard of success and marks a significant triumph.

We had previously been awarded Gold status but we have now made the leap to Platinum – an accreditation held by just 3% of IiP-accredited organisations. It reflects the hard work and commitment of staff and Board during a period dominated by the health emergency which has tested housing professionals like never before.

Charles Turner, our Chief Executive said: “This is brilliant news and a massive pat on the back to everyone who has worked so hard to achieve it.

Building Bright Futures!

Construction firm Cruden deliver community cash boost after building our new homes

THREE hardworking community groups in the east end of Glasgow have been given a bumper cash boost.

They have received a welcome £5000 cash windfall thanks to a link-up between construction company Cruden and Thenue. Cruden are continuing to build our new homes for rent in Abercromby Street and as part of winning the contract to create the properties, the company pledged to deliver a series of “community benefits”. Now the three groups who will receive a total of £5000 have been named.

They are:
The Kindness Project - awarded £2,000
North East Recovery Community - awarded £2,000
We Are With You (formerly known as “Addaction”) - awarded £1,000 Read more

Care and Repair is Back!

From 4 May 2021, our free Handyperson Service is resuming all types of jobs, not just emergencies. The service is for those aged over 65 years or with an enduring health condition. Jobs they can do include changing a toilet seat, putting up shelves, hanging curtains, etc. For more information contact them on their website or call 0141 433 2749

Two New Board Members

We are pleased to announce two appointments to strengthen the governance arrangements at Thenue.

Linda Chelton and Bryan McMahon (pictured) bring specialist sector knowledge, experience and an enthusiasm for community-based housing to the Association and join our Board of Management.

Linda has worked in Social Housing for the past 32 years. She is currently Housing Services Manager at a Housing Co-operative in south Glasgow. A Member of the Chartered Institute of Housing, she holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Housing and Sustainable Communities.
Linda specialises in tenancy sustainment (helping tenants to ensure they keep their tenancy) and community involvement. She wrote and delivered “Passport to Housing” (tenancy sustainment qualification) to students in England before moving to Scotland in 2016 where she worked for Hanover Scotland Housing Association.

In 2017 Linda worked in partnership with Tony Husband, the renowned and award-winning cartoonist and author, to...

Our Halls Set to Re-Open on May 17

We are making plans to re-open both community centres in Calton and Castlemilk on May 17.

The decision will depend on ongoing Scottish Government advice which is that Scotland will further ease restrictions on that date.

We are keen to stress that while the Calton Heritage and Learning Centre and Netherholm Hall now have a date for a PHASED re-opening, it will take some time for activities to return to normal.
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Tenants Voice Scotland

TPAS Scotland’s Tenants Voice Scotland (TVS) gives tenants their say on the things that matter most. It’s simple to share thoughts through Tenant Voice Scotland. It brings tenants’ views from across Scotland together.

All you need to do is add your details at and you can claim your £10.00 voucher for registering Read more