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Fire at Landressy Place

We can confirm that a fire occurred at a building site in Landressy Place which is the location for 27 retirement properties being built by Thenue. Fortunately no one was hurt. The fire was quickly brought under control and we are grateful to one Member of the Association who raised the alarm and to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service for their quick attendance and professionalism. This incident is being investigated by the police. The site is currently dormant after the main contractor undertaking the work was placed in administration some months ago. Work will resume once Thenue appoints a new contractor Read more

We'll soon be back...

...Truth be told we never went away!

As lockdown eases we’re pleased to announce that we are preparing to re-open our office at 423 London Road. It’s clear that Covid-19 has not gone away, and we need to reduce the risk of transmission as much as possible.

Our target date for reopening our office is 14 September we will at all times ensure that we follow Government guidelines so this may change. This is a new way of working for all of us so thank you for your patience over the last few months and going forward, as we adjust to carrying out some of our services in a different way.
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Bean Making A Big Difference!

Netherholm Community Food Hub has fulfilled a vital role thanks to a team of dedicated volunteers whose healthy food packages have kept Netherholm residents going.

Netherholm Area Association - which is affiliated to us here at Thenue - also swung into action at the start of the pandemic and was soon working in partnership with the food hub in handing out its much-needed food packages.
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Housing Minister Pens Open Letter to Social Housing Tenants

Housing minister Kevin Stewart has moved to reassure social housing tenants of the safety measures in place as landlords plan the resumption of routine repairs and planned maintenance work. In an open letter to council, housing association and housing co-operative tenants to provide information and advice on Scotland’s Route Map for moving out of the coronavirus crisis, Mr Stewart said individual landlords are now beginning to plan for resuming services following the guidance available, and taking account of local circumstances.
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We Are Still Here To Support You...

During this period of lockdown, we have been delighted to have spoken to so many of our tenants.For some it has been the first person they have spoken to in such a long while. These conversations start with some of the usual housing issues such as repairs, rent arrears or benefit enquiries, but end up with discussions on how we are all coping with these extraordinary times.

Tenants have told us that they are delighted we are able to continue with the high level of service that they have come to expect from Thenue and thank us for our continued support. We have been involved in increasing numbers of foodbank and food parcel referrals and working closely with the other services within Thenue.
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Do you Know an Older Person who is Experiencing Loneliness?

Still Game star Greg Hemphill is backing this worthwhile campaign. If you know anyone who could benefit from this, please follow the link below for more information.

Information on Help From the UK Government for the Self Employed

The UK Government has announced that it will offer a second grant to qualifying self employed people whose businesses have been adversely affected by the pandemic. This will be paid in August.

This is in addition to the first grant of up to £7500 which is currently being paid.

There will undoubtedly be a number of Thenue tenants who are self employed and who need to be aware that this money is available from the State to combat the effects of the ongoing health emergency.
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After 24 years with us…

…our longest serving Board Member, Charlotte Levy, has decided to call it a day!

First elected back in September 1996, Charlotte has been one of our loyal, passionate, faithful and constant supporters. She served five years as our Vice Chair before becoming our fourth Chair, for a further five years back in 2002.

Charlotte has an ongoing and constant love affair with Committees! She is effective in leading them, steering them and ensuring that their governance arrangements are strong. The Nolan principles of leadership, selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, honesty and leadership, set out in 1995, were values very dear to Charlotte many years before they became fashionable.
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Survey Seeks to Better Understand Housing Options for Scotland’s Elderly

The Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) and Sovereign Partnership have partnered to produce a survey to help better understand the needs and demands of those approaching retirement. In partnership with the University of Aberdeen, the organisations are looking to understand the late-life housing preferences across a range of different people. Views are being sought from people over the age of 55 who live in Scotland so that policymakers, developers and caregivers can be better informed to help to provide Scotland’s retirees with more variety and choice in later life housing in years to come. Read more

Scottish Parliament agree it is important to continue to pay your rent...

A recent vote in the Scottish Parliament confirmed how important it is that tenants continue to pay their rent.

The initial amendments were only intended to relate to Private Landlords but Social Landlords were included at the last minute.

These amendments would have introduced a two year freeze on rent and a payment holiday for those tenants who could not afford to pay their rent, during this time.

Parliament agreed that this could cause severe financial problems for Social Landlords and that this could force many to reduce the number of services they provide.
Social Landlords were then removed from these amendments.

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The Handyperson Service

The Handyperson Service continues to operate during this time carrying out only urgent and essential jobs. Jobs such as:

changing light bulbs
moving furniture for safe movement around the home / installation of hospital equipment
fitting smoke alarms/batteries
fitting CO2 detectors/batteries
grab/hand rails
supply and fit of keysafes
lowering or renewing thresholds
putting up curtains with no current covering on for example ground floor rooms
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Lottery Boost for Thenue Students

We are continuing to support our communities during the coronavirus emergency - thanks to National Lottery funding.

We have received further support of £37,000 from The National Lottery Community Fund to ensure our popular “Choices for Change” personal development and wellbeing programme can adapt and change quickly.
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Annual Gas Safety Checks

City Technical Services(CTS) have continued to carry out the Annual Gas Servicing – which is a legal requirement (Annual Gas Safety Check (Gas Safety (Installation And Use) Regulations 1998) to ensure the safety of our residents while Staying Safe at Home Read more

A £60k Cash Boost to Help our Communities

A £60,000 cash boost for our communities has been received from the Scottish Government.
We are hugely grateful for the money which has been secured from the Government’s £20 million Supporting Communities Fund set up during the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
Many organisations across Scotland are receiving cash having been designated as “community anchor” groups – vital lifelines for communities as Thenue and our partners have demonstrated in recent weeks.
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Things aren’t the same here as they are in England

Today the coronavirus lockdown eased slightly in England as some return to work. Here in Scotland, there is no change. As things stand in Scotland, the status quo exists in terms of work life, with the following statement from the Scottish Government remaining valid:

“As set out in Coronavirus (COVID-19): staying at home and away from others: people can travel to and from work, but only where they cannot work from home. All business workplaces that are not being specifically required to close should consider a set of key questions – and at all times work on the precautionary basis:
• Is what you do essential or material to the effort against the virus or to the wellbeing of society?
• Are you able to demonstrate and give confidence to your workforce that you can consistently practice safe social distancing and comply with all other standard health and safety requirements?”

As soon as there is a change – we’ll implement it here at Thenue.
Stay safe. Stay at home.

Thank you! From you to us and Back Again!

We always do our best, and the past few weeks have obviously been more difficult that most. But we thought that we would like to say a big thank you to all our tenants that take the time to appreciate what we are doing. Read more

Important Update on Coronavirus and Help for the Self Employed

TWO initiatives have been launched to help self employed people cope with the current health crisis.

It is recognised that many of the self employed have been adversely affected by coronavirus.

There are two different schemes available – one from the United Kingdom Government and one from the Scottish Government.
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New Warning Over Washing Machines

MORE potentially dangerous washing machine models have been added in a new safety recall.

Around 55,000 washing machines should stop being used and need either replacing or repairing due to a fire risk.

Another 21 models have been added to the list of 524,000 Hotpoint and Indesit machines – including tumble dryers - being recalled by manufacturer Whirlpool.
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Construction Work at our Site at Landressy Place has Stopped.

Construction at Landressy Place ceased on 23rd March, and unfortunately there is no prospect of that staring up again for the foreseeable future.

Central Building Contractors, (CBC), were in the middle of a £4 million contract building 27 retirement flats at Landressy Place. However on 29th April 2020 it was announced that family-run Central Building Contractors (Glasgow) Limited had been placed into administration following years of “challenging trading conditions in the construction sector”.
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Neighbourhood Comes Together to Help Those in Need

Like so many housing associations across Scotland, along with our valued partners, we have mobilised our resources to reach out to and support residents in need following the coronavirus lockdown. Read more

How Does Furlough Affect Working Tax Credits and Housing Benefit?

If you are furloughed and you receive Working Tax Credit, you will continue to receive Working Tax Credit for 8 weeks.

HMRC will continue to consider you as being in employment during this time. The 8 week period has been set by the Government, but may be liable to change. When we have information about any change to this we will let our tenants know. This will be put on our website and our Facebook page as soon as we have it.
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A Tribute to Cathie Martin

Tributes have been paid to east end stalwart and devoted servant of the housing association movement Cathie Martin.

Announcing her passing, Calton Area Association and Thenue Housing are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend, Committee Member and East End stalwart Cathie after a short illness.
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Grounds Maintenance services

We are pleased to announce that our grounds maintenance contractor idverde will be re-instating their services from Monday the 27th April. The level of service may be reduced initially, as the contractor must ensure the safe methods of working they put in place are practical to meet the required Government Health and Safety Guidelines for both their staff and the public. Read more

Bulk Uplift Service

If you have any bulk items to be uplifted or are aware of any that need to be removed in your area please contact your Area Services Officer or Assistant who will arrange for these to be removed. You can find their contact details on the 'Our Staff' tab under 'About Us' on this website or call 0141 550 3581

Close cleaning services

We are pleased to announce that our Close Cleaning contractor CAS will be re-instating this service from Monday 20th April for all closes included in the current contract. All the operatives will wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and maintain social distance in accordance with the guidelines.

We would ask all residents who receive this service to remain in their properties, when possible, when the close cleaning is being carried out. Should you need to use the common close please call out to staff in the close and they will move to an appropriate area to let you past. Please call us should you have any questions in relation to this service.

Scottish Government Relaxes Benefit Eligibility During Current Coronavirus Crisis

The Scottish Government has temporarily changed eligibility for a number of social security benefits to help people who are impacted by coronavirus. The move is to ensure people who can’t get an application in on time due to things such as illness or caring responsibilities can still get the support that they need. They are listed below – but if you need any help with any of them – just ask us. Read more

A Helping Hand Like Never Before

We have taken unprecedented steps to ensure tenants and communities are not forgotten during the ongoing coronavirus emergency. We have allocated Emergency funding to the task while staff are “pulling out all the stops” with remote working to offer a helping hand. Housing associations are being tested across Scotland as we fulfil our vital community roles which are essential in the current health crisis.

Our Chief Executive Charles Turner praised the efforts of the Thenue team AND volunteers who have rallied to the task to ensure no one gets left behind - calling their efforts “inspirational.”
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Your bin collection service never stops – but please help your refuse collectors!

Glasgow City Council are continuing to collect rubbish and clean streets, though many normal arrangements have changed because of the coronavirus crisis. Spare a thought for the operatives. They cannot consistently practise safe social distancing measures. They are being approached by members of the public more frequently than usual to inquire about collection, undermining some of their efforts to practice social distancing. Ask the Council about collection queries, not the front-line staff. Below, we have covered the main changes that we are aware of to help you. Be warned – if a member of the public does not stand away from their bin at the required two metres distance, that waste may not get collected. Help keep these heroes safe at work. Read more

School Closures – Food Vouchers Information

Please click 'Download file' below for information from Glasgow City Council on Food vouchers that have been issued Read more

Self-Service App - Rent Balance

The rent balances on the Thenue App are currently being updated as it is the end of the financial year and therefore may not be showing the correct balance. In addition the payment postings for Universal Credit did not arrive as anticipated last week, these are due this week and will be updated as soon as received. We wanted to make tenants aware of this to prevent unnecessary calls and we will have the correct balances displayed within the next few days.